November 6, 2023November 6, 2023Myth and Musings Home and Homelessness in Epic, Part 4 Part 4 of this series is an overview of “home” and “homeless(ness)” and a closing personal comment.
October 3, 2023November 6, 2023Myth and Musings Home and Homelessness in Epic, Part 3 In Part 3 of this series I look at what “home” and “homeless(ness) is for Baby Suggs, holy in Toni Morrison’s Beloved
August 1, 2023November 6, 2023Myth and Musings Exploring Home and Homelessness in Epic, Part 1 What is “home” and “homeless(ness)”? Explore what the epics the Odyssey and Beloved have to say about it.